Monday, March 7, 2011

Vexing, Page 4

Lynn, why are you poking two fingers together for female masturbation?
You are completely off.
Yep, starting the week off with a classy note. At least it's diving a bit into the plot now, amirite?

Sadly the job search is still going poorly. But it's only been one week. I have enough to pay this month's bills, but next month, if I don't have a job, I'll be in trouble. I hate to be that person, but any support, be it love, sharing this blog/comic, or monetary would be VERY appreciated at this time. As much as I love being an artist, I don't think I want to venture into the "starving artist" stereotype very much, hahah.

Anywho. I'll see you later.


  1. Well you definitely have my support, there is very clearly a lot of talent in you. Just keep your chin up and you'll make it out of this rough patch and have a lot of personal material to draw from to make your writings even better!

  2. I'm sure glad I never had to experience anything like boarding school. :/ Can't even imagine.

    But I did experience the military and that wasn't the funnest thing either. (:

  3. Sorry to hear about the job search. Mine is going poorly, too, and I've been 'underemployed' for more than a year now. It's a real big bummer.

  4. Good luck on the job hunt! Hang in there!

  5. good stuff, wish i could do more to show my support, but i'm broke too. :)

  6. I'm banking on tax refund to help me get above water for now. blaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  7. sorry to hear that, hope you can get a job soon!!

  8. Why are you using two fingers?

    You so silly, my dear :D

  9. I'm really loving these. I think you'll make something with them, but as was said, it will be rough for a while.

    Just thought I'd ask what program you use for drawing?

    I also hope you find a job soon. :(

  10. sorry about the job hunt, hope this fucking economy gets better, titsfuckshit
