Monday, February 28, 2011

Vexing, Page 1

cosette gurl you gotz some bad bed hair i feel yo pain

Ah, so this is the real reason why I've been taking a while. Mostly character design, story development, all the fun finishing touches to the unfinished work. Yes, this is the lesbian one. I know what you're thinking: "Wait, she said something about a prince! So isn't she really a bisexual? I want my lesbian seckzorz!1!eleven!" Wait and see folks... Anyways, I'm really happy about how the mini-dream sequence and the chibi Cosette came out. The pillow is Gawd Awful though.

So what is Vexing about? It's mostly a graphic novel playing with themes that have always caught my attention: fairy tales, female homosexuality, gender issues (both female and male sexism-- yes, male sexism DOES exist, ladies) and other things I don't care to reveal at this point. I promise to not make this like so many other LGBT stories where everyone except the bad guys are gay on some level-- even though I'm bi, I have always found this annoying and want some level of realism. waitjenathisisagraphicnovelwhatdoyoumeanbyrealismstfu.

Next update Vexing update coming Wednesday. Pretty soon it'll have its own private home away from my blog.


  1. Haha, this was great. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes. Could be the birth of another great internet comic!

  2. you are very talented, that comic is super nice!!

  3. It looks terrific. You're very talented.

  4. I love you inking style, ^_^ ur chibi needs sum smoothing tho.

    So far it looks good. Hoping to have another dojinn added to my collection

  5. So much talent, I'm jealous TT___TT

  6. Good luck, comics are a bitch to keep up with.

  7. I guess all of our lives can be described by that comic.

  8. shhhh, don't mention the imperfections, most people wont notice. ;)

  9. great drawing keep up the good work, always wish i could draw every single one of my friends are artists and I'm stuck here making stick figures heh

  10. that's just amazing, I can't believe you made that! what an incredible talent you are.

  11. nice comic. I to am very interested in female homosexuality.

  12. that is your drawing? very nice!

  13. You drew this? It looks very professional like it should be sold on in bookstores

  14. Sounds interesting, and Cossette seems a cool character despite her confusion. I think I've heard her name in a novel before lol.

  15. I like the fact that you are exploring so many deep issues in this comic and yet still managing to present it in a comedic format. Very interesting stuff, I am intrigued...

  16. awwwww I remember when that used to happen to me
    bad times were baaaad D:
