Saturday, February 19, 2011

ARghalskdflasd My Schedule

Sorry, guys. For the past while posts have been every other day, sometimes not a few days in a row. I have another job as a waitress, which means five days out of the week I spend eight hours on my feet. The tips suck this time of year so I usually come home in a very bad mood. Which means I have little to no energy for blog posting.

If all goes well tonight though, I'll have a review up for Ghost Trick. My next post will be a Glow Stick Cupcakes webcomic post. Thanks for the patience, you guys! Will have to see you later.


  1. That's a crazy work schedule. Hopefully you'll be able to get back into your blogging groove on an upcoming day off.

  2. Sorry to hear about that. I know how it goes to spend 8+ hours daily running around, and it is not fun.

  3. ugh.

    nothing in the world is worse than waiting tables.

  4. My condolences about the work, I used to work 8-10 hours a day for 5-8 days in a row, it really really sucked. I'm not in America, but I hear that you guys kinda depend on tips for income, so doubly sorry to hear that you're working your ass off for shitty pay.

  5. ugh that's what happens when there is a system around tips

  6. whenevr you get the chance is fine. ohh and tell the tight b4rst4rds obi said to tip more!

  7. whenever you give money back to someone give it back in coins and they'll leave you the coins so you get better tips

  8. I'll make sure to remember this blog when leaving tips

  9. @mmmpieohyeah Please do! I know the standard is usually 15% if good, 5-10% if anything else, but working in a restaurant has taught me that it's not just the servers that suffer, but their kids and the rest of their family.

    So even if a server is REALLY rude to me, I just don't have the heart to give them a bad tip. Because I know there's always someone else that will suffer along with them, and I can't do that to them.

  10. Yeah, I just kinda realized having a blog is pretty much another job, lol. Oh well, at least there's not really a boss. =)
